Time to Smell the Roses
 Okay, here's the deal: 
This page is just a page where I post any weird, exiting and\or crazy things. If you want to add something.... I think about how to do that. I promise not to complain too much on here.

Burglar-defending TV?

"FakeTV  is a new burglar deterrent that makes it look like someone is home watching television. FakeTV does this by recreating exactly the sort of light produced by a real HDTV, ike Viewed from outside the home after dusk, it looks like somebody must be watching television, so burglars stay away. Funky.

I want one, not as a burglar deterrent, but as a comfort device.

Whoever Said Carrots Were Too Orange Was Dead Wrong

 Carrots. For me, the magical veggie. Stuffed full of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, especially Vitamin A, which improves vision. And the taste!! When most people think of carrots, they think of Bugs Bunny and little orange 'baby' carrots, smaller than the average kid's thumb. No, no, no, no, no. While baby carrots might be good for toddlers and party dips, they are a long way from the ideal carrot. Usually these ground-up miniatures don't have as good a flavor as say, a large organic one, that can usually be purchases from the supermarket. I find that ones purchases from farmers markets or any other produce stand, preferably organic. Also, if you don't have a good, local way to get carrots, Bunny Luvs are the best you can do for store bought (of course, you can just grow your own carrots too).

 Not to mention, the only reason the carrots we eat are orange is because they were bred that way. (In the 16th and 17th centuries humans bred them to be orange in tribute to the Dutch royal House of Orange. They come in a large variety of colors, as shown in the picture, like burgundy, white, red and more. Even if you don't like carrots, or hate the color orange, try a good one and you may be suprised  by how much you like them.

Go Carrots!!

Hello Kitty Motor Oil; That is just wacky. I don't even like Hello Kitty!!


Vuvuzela attack on BP; What a great idea!!!

Vuvuzela: The most annoying form of musical instrument ever created, used by fans in the world cup. they are long skinny tubes with open ends, so they produce sound. The main pitch they make is B flat, but they have a variety of overtones which are not harmonious, making it sound, at least if there are many of them, like giant wasps.

BP is not feeling the pain they are causing in the Gulf. BP is spending millions on public relations. In order to put a bit of public pressure on them, some people plan to buy 100 vuvuzelas and hire 100 vuvuzela players off Craigslist to play in front of BP's International Headquarters in London for an entire work day. Ideally, the players will keep coming back every day until they fix the gusher. Budget: $2,000 = $1,000 for the vuvuzela protest ; $1,000 for the Gulf Disaster Fund

Budget is set at $2000 for now, which will be enough to buy 100 vuvuzelas at $6.50 a pop (plus shipping), and leave some left for hiring people to manage the crowds. Hopefully (and likely) they can find people to play for free (plus they get a free vuvuzela). In which case, they'll use the remaining funds to buy more vuvuzelas and find even more players.

This is not a road.....

... It's an inlet filled with dead fish.

You're looking at a mass fish die-off. These don't happen every day, but they're also not particularly rare in southern Louisiana, where this photo was taken. The BP oil spill wasn't to blame for this die-off. Instead, it's the result of a very large number of fish getting trapped by the tide in a very shallow pool of water on a very hot day. There isn't enough oxygen, and the fish die. Here is one man-made way you get dead fish

Technically nitrogen and phosphorous are good things. Without them, you don't get life. In fact, a little extra nitrogen and phosphorous actually improve fishy existence, by plumping up the plankton population. Plankton feed on nutrients, fish feed on plankton and people serve the fish up in a nice butter sauce.

Those nutrients are also food for plants. In fact, that's a big part of why we get excess nitrogen and phosphorous in the water system to begin with, because both are used as fertilizer on American farms. For example, in 2007, American corn farmers used more than 5 million tons of nitrogenous fertilizer.

But, while corn may have big appetite for plant food, but it's about as efficient at "eating" as a toddler with a bowl of spaghetti. You know the kid will wear as much food as she eats. And a corn field will often use as little as half the fertilizer it's fed. The rest just sits on the soil until it's washed away into the nearest creek by rain or irrigation. Several river systems and thousands of miles away, the Mississippi Delta vomits out water saturated with the nitrogen runoff of every corn farm in the Midwest. In the Gulf of Mexico, the nitrogen becomes a buffet for another plant--algae--which, in the sort of natural cycle that completely fails to inspire Disney song writers, first cut off light needed by underwater plants and animals and eventually die off in numbers so large that their decomposition consumes every drop of available oxygen, suffocating aquatic life for miles around. It's the Circle of Death. And it doesn't make a great musical number.

Look out above!

 Apparently these golf-ball sized chunks of ice came down in Bozeman, MT. That is one amazing hail storm!!!! Many people complained of property damage, broken windows and more. Wow!!!

And you thought Great White Sharks were scary?

The beast in question is called Leviathan melvillei, a name so awesome that it actually made me question whether this was a legitimate animal and not something made up as a joke. But Wired Science and News magazine tells that it's real. And spectacular.

The longest of Leviathan's teeth measure about 14 inches including the root, more than 40 percent longer than those of today's sperm whales. And, Lambert notes, the longest tooth of Sue, one of the largest Tyrannosaurus rex specimens yet found, measures only 10.6 inches from root to tip. The massive skull and jaw of a 13-million-year-old sperm whale has been discovered eroding from the windblown sands of a coastal desert of Peru.

The extinct cousin of the modern sperm whale is the first fossil to rival modern sperm whales in size — although this is a very different beast, say whale evolution experts.

The giant 3-meter (10-foot) skull of what's been dubbed Leviathan melvillei (in honor of the author of "Moby Dick") was found with teeth in its top and bottom jaws up to 36 centimeters (14 inches) long. The discovery is reported in the July 1 issue of the journal Nature.

Living sperm whales have teeth only in their lower jaws and are specialized to feed on giant squid, Lambert explained. They suck down squid like large spaghetti noodles rather than catch the prey with their teeth. The much toothier fossil sperm whales, however, may have eaten more like a outsized-orca, or killer whale: chomping great big bites out of its prey.

Modern sperm whales feed largely on invertebrates such as giant squid, but have been known to feed on fish and other creatures as well. The extremely robust, deeply-rooted structure of Leviathan's teeth strongly suggests that the creature fed on large, presumably struggling bony prey like sharks do.

But that doesn't mean the whale's diet was restricted in any way. "If you're big enough," Fitzgerald notes, "you can bloody well eat what you want."

Good thing it died out millions of years ago!!!

American Burquas

The burqas at Zarinas.com are reasonably priced. This one, decorated in American flag colors, costs just $49.99. A couple of happy customers wore them to a Tea Party rally recently.

Stomach Rumbles

Tummy growls are really just internal farts, as un-eloquent as that sounds.

Basically, the involuntary muscle movements that push food through your digestive tract keep working even after most of that food has moved on down the line. Eventually, gas bubbles are all that's left to be squeezed, and you get a rumbling sound as they pop. It's part of how your intestine keeps itself cleansed—no expensive pills or powders required!

The same contractions that cause your stomach to growl also clean out the GI tract. To see how this cleaning movement works, picture a long hose made of a pliable material. If there were an object, say an egg, at one end of the hose, you could push it from that end to the other by squeezing all along the length of the hose. ... In order to push out bits of food particles left over from a meal, your gastrointestinal tract creates waves of contractions all along the length of the intestines at a rate of two or three per minute.

Quick Question

In April, Paul Karl Lukacs landed at San Francisco International Airport after visiting China, and he refused to tell the passport control officer why he was there. He reports what happened on his blog:

“Why were you in China?” asked the passport control officer, a woman with the appearance and disposition of a prison matron. “None of your business,” I said.

Her eyes widened in disbelief.

“Excuse me?” she asked.

“I’m not going to be interrogated as a pre-condition of re-entering my own country,” I said.

This did not go over well. She asked a series of questions, such as how long I had been in China, whether I was there on personal business or commercial business, etc. I stood silently. She said that her questions were mandated by Congress and that I should complain to Congress instead of refusing to cooperate with her.

She asked me to take one of my small bags off her counter. I complied.

She picked up the phone and told someone I “was refusing to cooperate at all.” This was incorrect. I had presented her with proof of citizenship (a U.S. passport) and had moved the bag when she asked. What I was refusing to do was answer her questions.

A male Customs and Border Protection officer appeared to escort me to “Secondary.” He tried the good cop routine, cajoling me to just answer a few questions so that I could be on my way. I repeated that I refused to be interrogated as a pre-condition of re-entering my own country.

“Am I free to go?” I asked.

“No,” he said.

Obama and Palin are related,  Apparently!

Talk about awkward family reunions.

Barack Obama and Sarah Palin are related, according to research done by genealogists at Ancestry.com.

Odds are against them running into each other at a picnic, but Obama could technically be joined by Rush Limbaugh and George W. Bush, too. Yup, they're one big, uh, happy family.

The site, which claims to be the world's largest online family history resource and is featured on the NBC show "Who Do You Think You Are?", says that Obama and Palin are 10th cousins through an ancestor named John Smith. The president is also 10th cousins (once removed) with Limbaugh through Richmond Terrell.

The Bush political dynasty could hypothetically claim both Obama and Palin, who are each 11th cousins of former President George W. Bush.

Palin happens to be related to conservative commentator Ann Coulter and, more surprisingly, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. They're all cousins through John Lathrop, who was the minister of an illegal independent church in England and was exiled to the U.S.

And you probably thought there were big disagreements in your family.

    Your Crazy Thoughts!!

Thank you wwww.boingboing.net and the huffingtonpost.com for supplying a lot of these wacky facts.