Time to Smell the Roses
So. Emily ran down and got a taxi, I hopped down the stairs with Mod, and Katie gathered our stuff. While we were going down the stairs, a Chinese lady from upstairs was coming down. She spoke excellent English and said she would come to the hospital with us, another stroke of luck. We went to the hospital where I sat with Katie and mom and Henos (the Chinese lady) to get stuff worked out. They took me to a room and numbed/examined the wound. Around this time my dad came in with the translator from the bus he had ridden on, so we now had three people who spoke english and Chinese. Yay ! We had to go and get and x-ray upstairs (meanwhile, the translator left). I got x-rays, which showed my bone to be okay, except for a few bone fragments. I then sat for a while with the anaesthetic wearing off, while things got figured out. We went to get stitches.

 This bit was really painful, because the anaesthetic had worn off and they couldn't give me more. I got 6 stitches, waited for meds, and left in a taxi with crutches. I am stuck inside.
You know what deja vu is, right? Well that is what I am currently experiencing. I gashed my foot open. Again. Except worse. And with a cleaver.

It was a lovely day. It was sunny and windy, making it pretty, yet not too hot. I decided that I was going to make soup for my dad, who was coming home today, back from a tour of china. I put in noodles, and seasonings, and decided that zucchini would be good in it. I tried using the little knife first, but when it didn't work very well, had to use the cleaver. It isn't a true cleaver; it isn't that big, but is still about 3 inches wide and 6 inches long, and, because it is made out of cheap metal, was very sharp. Once I finished, I thought I should put some garlic in it, so I peeled some. I bent down to put the skins in the garbage and some part of me bumped the handle of the knife, causing it to fall off the counter and onto my pinkie toe. It sliced it lengthwise, to the bone, but luckily didn't hit it. Chaos ensued, needless to say. It was heightened by the fact that we didn't speak Chinese.

But now my fingers are tired, so I shall explain the rest later.
So. Life is normal. Well, normal for being in China. Interesting Developments: I walked barefoot outside for the first time and didn't get cut (there are a lot of glass shards). I still need to sign up for virtual science, but don't tell anyone. I decided that having 2 websites at once was not worth the effort, so I retired Project Xiamen. Our internet has stopped working, so we our using one of our neighbors wi-fi, which is only on sometimes, so a lot of time we do not have internet, making it rather hard to do virtual school. Whew! That was a bit of a run on sentence! Anyway, life is going on as usual. This is the third day in a row we couldn't see the ocean because of the smog, and this is one of the cleanest cities in China. *Sigh*. Ah well. Life is good
OoooooKaaayyyyy, this is really belated, but we did go backpacking! It was great fun. We went to Ten Lakes, a 6 mile hike, going in mostly up hill, packing out mostly down. There are really only 7 large lakes, but a couple of other small ones, so I guess it counts as 10. We stayed at one of the nicer lakes (though they are all nice), and had a blast. We plenty of food, and a neighbor called Starchild. His real name was Mike but where he worked there were 5 other Mikes, so he was Starchild. I felt bad for him, 'cause he over packed and probably wound up carrying 70 lbs, whereas I only carried about 15. Anyway, back to the lake. It had this amazing diving rock that was really deep, and a couple islands you could swim to. And there was a great walk we went on with amazing views and funny incedents. Like one with my cousin and a fish. I won't go into details. There was also a snowball fight! Cause, you know, up in the mountians there is still snow at this time of year.So anyway, that was ooddlleess of fun. Bye! 
Sorry everyone,  I haven't been writing very much lately. To quote Calvin and Hobbs, "The days are just packed!"
I am in china!!!!! Sorry, I have actually been in china a few days by now, but we only just got internet. Woo-hoo!! Things are really different though. Like you have ta boil all your water before you drink it, to purify it. And there isn't a designated shower, just a showerhead. But my only regrets are not knowing more chinese before  I came, and not having any friends her. And not having a comfy bed. But I really like I t here. All the food is good, the smell brings back memories of the first time I came here, even though I was only four, the smell of china is so un-american you cannot forget it. I am working on making our windowsills into mini gardens. It's great!
So!! So much has been happening. I am at  my g-pa and g-ma's house in California, and the days basically have 5 important things; Jane Austin and Bronte videos, food, virtual school, sleep and bridge. For people who don't know how to play bridge, it's a card game.

P.S. The publishing date on this is wrong