Time to Smell the Roses
I think I am allergic to typing. It's not like I have had tons of time to blog, but I'm sure I could of sometime. I just don't like it as much as talking, but that's unavoidable. I have been very busy, though. First off, my grandma had a huge party for her 70th, and my family and I basically had to do the whole thing. This meant streamers, dusting, toilet cleaning, etc. etc. etc. I mean honestly, It's not like the guests, the first thing they do when they walk in the door, is run around and check if the back rooms closets are perfectly straightened out, or if the coils on the underside of the refrigerator are dusted properly. Not to mention, my grandparents have a huge house. And two of them!! That explains why I didn't blog a while back; we were busy cleaning their other house, which is in the middle of nowhere in northern Michigan. But I gotta go now, so bye!!
Hi everyone. Just checking in. I have a lot to talk about, but my fingers because I just crated another site called www.projetxiamen.weebly.com. It;s all about my upcoming trip to China. So, see you later!!
May I just note here that as the school year is ending I get happier and happier? You think this would be a cue to move me out of my school. I just read my posts and they slowly get nicer and nicer. *hint hint*

Thanks, everyone. Bye bye now.
That is a direct quote from my sister she said who knows how long ago. I remember it because of how true it is. I can't talk much now, but I will explain (no sense in not making sense and than not explaining). We are doing a grand house clean out because in a couple of days we will be driving to Michigan to visit my mom's parents and then coming back for a week or less and flying to California to visit my dad's parents. We will stay in california before we leave to fly directly from China. 15 hours on your tush. Fun, fun, fun. Actually, it probably will be fun, but I want to complain about it. But anyway, the point is that we will be leaving very soon and we only have tis much time and then a few more days to get the house ready for renters and summer house-sitters. So we are going on massive junk cleaning up and trowing out operations, Goodwill hunts galore and just in general, clean-o-ramas. 

May I mention in here that we have 1 1/2 days of school left and I still have homework to do? Is that not total insanity? But I didn't come here to rant. I think I will go to a friend's site, www.ouropinions.weebly.com and rant there. It's a neat site. You should go there. Anyway, shalom!!
Okay, first of all, that is pronounced sha-men, because the way you pronounce 'x' in Chinese is the 'sh' sound. As you might have guessed, Xiamen is a city in China. It is on the southeastern coast (I think. Asking Pod. (Short for Padre, or Father in spanish (multiple parenthesis; thats neat)we all started learning spanish in elem. school) Pod says "That is correct" in a very professor-ish way) and is the place I will be spending about 3 1/2 months of next year in. Actually, I will be in Asia for 5 months but the other month and a half will be spent in Cambodia somewhere. I don't feel like getting up and asking where in Cambodia right now. Or maybe it isn't Cambodia, it might be Vietnam or Laos (Sorry everybody I said Lois).

Pod is ordering me to bed, so I gotta go. How am I supposed to sleep when my Mom is grinding nuts in the kitchen? But I really gotta go now though, so Bye, Bye!